Consortia Management

Successful registration of chemicals means providing and sharing large amounts of data – in itself a time-consuming endeavour

In order to simplify this process, several companies of the chemical industry that manufacture or distribute the same substances form a consortium. Such cooperation calls for the central and independent coordination of secretarial, fiduciary and financial activities to ensure that the flow of information between all members of the consortium is always guaranteed and competition law can be complied with.

We are at your side as an experienced consortium manager through our affiliate Consortia Management GmbH, supporting not only REACH consortia but also consortia in the field of EU biocidal regulations.

Trough our Korean affiliate Consortia Asia Co. Ltd., we are as well managing K-REACH and K-BPR consortia.

Our affiliate ChemAdvocacy Turkey offers consortia, Letter of Access and data management for Turkey REACH (KKDIK).

Our efficient consortia management includes the following services:

Secretarial services

  • Preparation and management of consortium documents and contracts
  • Organisation and management of consortium meetings / telephone conferences
  • Joint Submission registrant communication and response to inquiries
  • Data archiving
  • Comprehensive Letter of Access (LoA) and data management via our online LoA Shop

Financial services

  • Trustee account management
  • Cost sharing and calculation of consortium fees
  • Budget monitoring
  • Calculation and invoicing of Letter of Access and License to Use fees
  • Recalculation and processing of reimbursements to co-registrants / data owners / beneficiaries

Related links

Go to Consortia Management website

Go to Consortia Asia website

Go to ChemAdvocacy Turkey website

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