Chemical safety reports in the business environment

REACH pursues the goal of ensuring the safe use of hazardous substances, thereby improving work safety, and environmental and user protection.

This requires a comprehensive database on hazardous substance properties and the potential exposure of a substance. The data on toxic and eco-toxicological properties are processed in the form of a Chemical Safety Report (CSR). This includes, among other aspects, exposure scenarios and assessments, thereby forming the basis for effective work safety and environmental protection.

The information on the safe handling of the substance is provided by the chemical manufacturer or the supplier. The downstream user must review the exact handling and use of the chemical on the basis of this database. To this end, the implementation of risk management measures is just as important as compliance with exposure limits (such as DNELs and PNECs).

We will support you along the entire supply chain to ensure REACH-compliant implementation and observation of CSR content in the business environment.

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