Chemservice OR-Trustee – A unique compliance solution for complex multi-stage supply chains

Complying with international chemicals regulations, most notably REACH, poses major challenges for companies, especially when it comes to complex multi-stage supply chains.

Avoiding multiple registrations and high costs along the entire supply chain while securing Confidential Business Information, we have developed our unique Chemservice OR-Trustee system – a web-based self-service portal, to ensure compliance in the supply chain, by tracking and documenting substance volumes and importers.

The Chemservice OR-Trustee replaces our previous REACH-Code-Model system, which has been used since 2008 by many leading companies in the chemical industry worldwide. In addition to REACH, the new system is now also available for Turkey REACH (KKDIK) and UK REACH.

For further information, please have a look here:

Chemservice OR-Trustee

Dr Dieter Drohmann, Thomas Schäfer and Christopher Cohrs from the Chemservice Team have contributed an article on this topic in the recent issue of the journal Stoffrecht (2/2021). The article mentions the difficulties of compliance in complex supply chains and demonstrates how the Trustee system helps being compliant with REACH, Turkey REACH (KKDIK) and UK REACH. For Korea-REACH the system is used in a slightly modified form.

Access to the article (German) can be obtained via the following link:

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