Chemservice Team reports on latest regulatory updates at Lexxion online event in March

The German publisher Lexxion hosts its seminar on International Chemicals Law this time as online event on March 22 and 23, 2021.

Experts from the chemical sector give an overview on the latest developments in the field of international chemicals regulations. This year’s event pays attention on sustainability and focuses on the GHS implementation in Latin America and Asia.

The first day of the seminar covers the regulatory developments in Europe and Latin America and will be chaired by Dr Dieter Drohmann, CEO Chemservice. In the Latin America slot, Dr Jaime Sales, Managing Director Chemservice Iberia, gives an Overview of Chemicals Regulations in Mexico.

On the second day of the event, focusing on chemicals regulations in Asia, Jae-Seong Choi, Branch Manager Chemservice Asia, reports on Korean-OSHA (K-OSHA) – New Requirements for Actors in the Supply Chain.

The seminar is addressed to chemical sector staff, regulatory consulting companies and other interested persons.

For more information, please take a look at the Lexxion website:

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