First issue of the new journal ICRL published
Dr Dieter Drohmann contributed articles on new legislative and policy developments
The International Chemical Regulatory and Law Review (ICRL) is a new journal issued by the German publisher Lexxion. ICRL has been established as a forum for academics, legal experts, government officials and consultants to discuss the developments in chemical law and regulation on national, EU and international level. The journal serves as international counterpart to the German journal Stoffrecht and is issued in English language on a quarterly basis.
The first issue has recently been published and includes articles on Brexit and on regulatory developments in Indonesia, Bulgaria, China and South Korea.
Dr Dieter Drohmann, Managing Director of Chemservice, has initiated this journal and acts as Associate Editor. He has contributed to the Jurisdiction section of the first issue, focusing on the fact that Germany is the first EU member state, taking ECHA’s Board of Appeal to the European Court of Justice. Additionally, Dieter Drohmannhas complied two brief statements in the New Law and Policy section – one on ECHA’s intention to restrict the use of oxo-plastics and microplastics and one about the draft Commission Regulation to clarify the REACH registration requirements for nanomaterials.
More information on ICRL is available here: